Adults & up
Dining Etiquette
Dining do's and don'ts
How to set a table properly
When to take your seat with a group
Styles of eating: Americal vs. Continental
Using utensils and napkins properly
When to take your seat with a group. the art of table conversation
How to get a waiters attention properly
Proper way to eat bread & soup
Dealing with problem foods
Handling food allergies and preferences
Requesting additional Items
Passing food
Eating bread properly.
Cell phone etiquette at her table.
For $250 (per person)
*The cost covers the service excluding the meal. The client has the option of providing the meal or to be served at a fine dining restaurant of their choice of as a recommendation for an additional fee.
Social Etiquette
Introduction - making an entrance
First impressions: written, verbal and in-person.
Mastering effective eye contact and body language
Posture instruction: Poised and polished to perfection
Social graces - Do's and don'ts of society
How to exude confidence when walking, sitting and standing
Dressing for success
Positive and negative body language signals
Master the art of networking and mingling
How to gracefully initiate and end conversations
The art of small talk and its significance
Etiquette tips for entertaining guests
How to enter group conversations gracefully
How to remember names.
Telephone and cell phone etiquette
When and how to write thank-you notes and e-mails
Social media & email and phone manners
Master social networking
Dating etiquette
Hosting 101 - How to be the perfect host(ess) or guest in any situation
Social events etiquette: etiquette at weddings, showers and beyond.
Sophisticated verbiage
Getting in and out of cars correctly
Dess codes: from Black tie to casual
For $250 (per person)
Combo Etiquette
A combo course of Dining and Social Etiquette
For $450 (per person)
* The cost covers the service excluding the meal. The client has the option of providing the meal or to be served at a fine dining restaurant of their choice or as a recommendation for an additional fee.
Setting Yourself up for Success
College Readiness
Cultural Wealth Building
The Importance of Etiquette
Global Business Etiquette
Dining Essentials
Afternoon Tea & Etiquette
Customer Service Training
Society Preparation Workshop
Etiquette for Men Workshop
Etiquette for Women Workshop